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sourse to target translation




I have been doing translations since 2006. I'm also running a translation agency, however that's a separate business, and you can be sure that all translations at smartcat are done by me personally. I am a certified translator, conference interpreter, engineer and Candidate of technical sciences (kandidat nauk). My language-related hobbies include etymology and comparative linguistics. * Yes, I do speak several languages. * No, I am not fluent enought in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Azerbaijani or Arabic to translate TO these languages, but I do understand them enough to translate FROM them.

kailash kamble

sourse to target translation




I love translating legal documents (e.g. contracts, certificates, notarial certificates, licenses, patents, apostilles, legalizations) and other documents such as books, emails, academic transcripts, websites, and user guides.

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